ATTENTION: Entrepreneurs Wanting Profitable Ads For Their Business

(Even If Starting From Scratch)

6 Figure Advertiser Is Running Profitable Ads For Entrepreneurs & Ecom Store Owners While Scaling Them To 5 & 6 Figures:



  • Facebook and Instagram Ads
  • Google Ads / Tik Tok Ads
  • Build Ecom Stores From Scratch
  • New Landing Pages
  • Email Marketing + SMS
  • Sales Copy
  • Ads Copy
  • Video Editing/Graphic Design
  • Sales ​Funnels

FB Ads

Sales Copy

Google Ads

Ads Copy

 Website Edits

Funnels Creation

Over the last 4 years, I've helped manage over $8.5M in paid ads and in return creating over $49.6M in online store sales and lead generation for hundreds of Entrepreneurs and eCommerce brands…

That's a 583% Average Return On Ads😍!

And with the ever-changing landscape of paid ads across various niches and platforms, we are always discovering battle tested strategies that result in a max ROI and consistent growth for ALL the companies we work with.

Are you ready to start running ads that actually SELL?

My Name is Sam and I've Sold Over 6 FIGURES Worth of Products & Services With Paid Ads Alone and Now You Can Have Me Run Your Ads For You...


Here's a store I took to 

their biggest month the 

first 30 days

Here's a New York watch brand that we helped make near $2M in the first quarter of 2021

Here's is a high-ticket beauty brand we took to multiple 6-Figures in the first 2 months


Here's a store I took to  their biggest month the first 30 days

Here's a New York watch brand that we helped make near $2M in the first quarter of 2021

Here's is a high-ticket beauty brand we took to multiple 6-Figures in the first 2 months

Here's a credit repair company I got 21,933 booked appointments for that closed $568k so far in 2021

Here's an Australian Rug brand

that we got a 689% Return on their ad spend with Google Ads

Here's a PR company I grew 320% having a 6-figure month in just the first 60 days

An Ecommerce store I increased their sales by 623% in under 10 months 

A store that grew 485% in daily revenue which achieved 7 figures last year

An Ecommerce store I increased their sales by 623% in under 10 months 
A store that grew 485% in daily revenue which achieved 7 figures last year
A state-wide painting company that I got 7,100 leads for achieving their biggest quarter in history

"I Just Made My First 5-Figure Sales Day After Working With Sam... He's Helped Me and My Son So Much and Can't Wait For What's To Come."

"Sam Has Been Great. We Just Doubled Our Biggest Month and Were Only 25 Days In. The Best Investment We've Made." 

"Sam Booked My Calendar With 108 Qualified Appointments In The First 48 Hours. It Usually Takes Me a Whole Month To Do This Myself and He Did 

It In 2 Days." 

"Sam Beat My Biggest Month Ever In The First 7 Days of Him Running My Ads... Sam Is The BEST hands down."

"Sam and Has Team Have Been Consistently Helping Me Hit 20-3k Months and Now I

 Have This Beach House."

"Sam leaves me and my wife speechless. He tripled our sales to $210k the next month in the first 30 days. This is what you 

call the Sam Effect!" 

"My Funnel Was Not Converting Well, Along With My Upsells, But After Sam Took Over My Ads We Have a Higher Take Rate On My Upsells and We're On Our Way To $100k Soon." 

"I spent $10,000 on 3 other agencies and NONE of them ever got me a sale. Sam has gotten me over 40 sales the first month and has given my business its life back!" 

"I Went From Paying $113 For a Lead To Now Paying $17 a Lead Who Are EVEN Higher Quality Leads After Working With Sam."

"I've been working with Sam for two months now and he's tripled my clientele and he motivated me to increase my prices." 

Here's Our Advertising Process In 4 Steps:

We evaluate your online store or landing page, find areas where we can increase your conversion rate, implement better design and content with proven conversion boosting tactics.
We condense and simplify your ad campaigns, create new hyper targeting audiences, implement new creatives, hone in on your highest paying customers while targeting them at scale.
Once your campaign structure is fixed, not we focus on increasing your return on ad spend, optimizing your upsells/downsells and making sure your average order value increases so you profit more on less ad spend.
Once your store is fully-optimized and your campaigns are yielding consistent results, this is where we increase your ad spend with confidence and profit 3x or more on every dollar you spend.

Here's Our Advertising Process In 4 Steps:

We evaluate your online store or landing page, find areas where we can increase your conversion rate, implement better design and content with proven conversion boosting tactics.
We condense and simplify your ad campaigns, create new hyper targeting audiences, implement new creatives, hone in on your highest paying customers while 

targeting them at scale.

Once your campaign structure is fixed, not we focus on increasing your return on ad spend, optimizing your upsells/downsells and making sure your average order value increases so you profit more on less ad spend.
Once your store is fully-optimized and your campaigns are yielding consistent results, this is where we increase your ad spend with confidence and profit 3x or more on every dollar you spend.

And My Proven Ad Tactics Have Worked In Many Nichesand Verticals Such As:

  • E-Commerce
  • Local/Brick N' Mortar
  • Real Estate
  • ​Social Media Marketing/PR
  • ​Insurance
  • Professional Services
  • ​Business-To-Business
  • ​Coaching
  • ​Health/Fitness/Sports
  • ​Finance/Trading
  • ​ Influencers/Personal Branding
  • ​SaaS



"He Got Me Over 100+ High Quality Leads In The First Week,  I Worked With Struggled To Get Me That In One Month, Now We're On Pace To Having a Multiple 6-Figure Month." 


"I've Been Working With Sam 1 on 1 Over These Past Couple of Weeks and Already Closed 3 High Tickets With What He Taught Me." 


"I Was Only Getting 1-2 Sales a Day, Sometimes Even 0 Orders. It Was Unpredictable and Unprofitable. Now, Sam Is Getting Me 50 Orders a Day and Has 20x My Business." 


"Ever Since We Started Working With Sam We Have Now TRIPLED Our Revenue." 


"Sam Helped Me Automate My Agency Allowing Me To Travel and Drive Results While Doing Less Work." 


"Sam Helped Me Scale My Credit Repair Business From 60k a Month to 120k a Month in 30 Days." 


"Spent Probably $50,000 On Wasted Material. Sam Was The Only One Who Brought Me Results. Just Signed 5-6 New Clients Within 30 Days." 


"Within 45 Days We've Gotten $36,000 in Recurring Monthly Revenue For New Clients at My SMMA."

Are You Ready To Have Us Scale Your Business With Paid Ads?

  • You Have Over 250+ Customers
  • You Can Commit To $100+ a Day In Ad Spend
  • You're Committed To Building An Empire

IMPORTANT: We can only take on 8-10 new clients every month and we carefully select who we can work with to make sure we can 100% deliver results. WE DO NO WORK WITH JUST ANYONE.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Frequently Asked Questions:

What results can you expect when working with Sam and his team?

We get this question a lot but as long as you have prior sales, social proof and a proven business model we can use our proven Paid Ad Campaign Structure to bring your business more leads, sales, and decrease your ad costs by up to 30%.

How long does it take to start seeing progress?

Our on-boarding process has been streamlined over the years to make sure you can have your site up and ready with ads running within 10 days. That first week will show us progress and the data we need to piggy back the best audiences, creatives and offer.

Is retargeting expensive? Why not just email?

Retargeting is actually a lot cheaper since we have had more touch points with that potential buyer to convince them to be a buyer with a no-brainer offer/ad. Email is great and we pride ourselves on running successful email campaigns but having retargeting ads as well can pull in 2x the buyers. Who would say no to 2x more buyers??

Do you do more than just Facebook ads or do you do Instagram as well?

Yes, we do more than just Facebook. We run ads on multiple platforms such as Instagram, Google, TikTok, Snapchat, YouTube and more!

What do I need to work with Sam and his team?

We work with businesses of all sizes, but in order to start with us we would first need to know more about your business, your costs, and current performance of ads which we can go over on the zoom session with you when you book your call below.

Who is Sam and what results have you gotten before?

Over the past 4 years, Sam has scaled 40+ 6 and 7-figure businesses that we still work with to this very day and have generated our clients well over 8 Figures from their Paid Ad Campaigns alone.

What If I'm in a niche Sam or his team hasn't worked with before?

After working with various niches and verticals from Ecom, Health, Fitness, Coaching, Consulting, Beauty, Decor, Home, Real Estate, Local Businesses, Service Based Businesses, Course Creators and Many More B2B/B2C Businesses... We Are Confident In Our Paid Ads Campaign Structure and Have Seen This Work Across SO Many Niches and Verticals That We Know No Matter What Business You Run, We Can Improve The Performance of Your Paid Ads!

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The entirety of this site is protected by copyright © 2018–2022

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

IMPORTANT: Earnings and Legal Disclaimers

Earnings and income representations made by Sam,, and their advertisers/sponsors (collectively, "Sam Runs Your Ads") are aspirational statements only of your earnings potential. The success of Sam, testimonials, and other examples used are exceptional, non-typical results and are not intended to be and are not a guarantee that you or others will achieve the same results. Individual results will always vary and yours will depend entirely on your individual capacity, work ethic, business skills and experience, level of motivation, diligence in applying the methods by Sam, the economy, the normal and unforeseen risks of doing business, and other factors.

The Funnelsninja Ads Programs, and Sam individually, are not responsible for your actions. You are solely responsible for your own moves and decisions and the evaluation and use of our products and services should be based on your own due diligence. You agree that Funnelsninja Ads program are not liable to you in any way for your results in using our products and services. See our Terms & Conditions for our full disclaimer of liability and other restrictions.

The Funnelsninja Ads Programs, including Sam personally, may receive compensation for products and services they recommend to you. Sam personally uses a recommended resource unless it states otherwise. If you do not want the Funnelsninja Ads Programs and Sam to be compensated for a recommendation, then we advise that you search online for the item through a non-affiliate link.

Do you have questions about any of the Funnelsninja Ads Programs? Are you wondering if the programs will work for you? Send us an email to [email protected]. We will be happy to discuss your goals and how the Funnelsninja Ads program may help you.